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The One Minute Knowledge Manager
The One Minute Knowledge Manager is a three step exercise that develops whole brain thinking and problem solving. Upon publication, 1MKM was required reading at the College of Estate ManagementUK.
An enjoyable (I like the storytelling approach) quick read from which I retained the 3 steps. It's a concise and a useful tool to think about lots of things. I tried out the approach this morning with two colleagues ­- it got us talking and we enjoyed it.
- L. Lowe, Knowledge & Information Services Unit Manager, Intermediate Technology Development Group, Schumacher Centre for Technology Development
I like the idea of your One Minute Knowledge Manager very much, and think you are on to something with your three steps.
- Verna Allee, Author of The Future of Knowledge: Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks
It was a delight reading the 1MKM. Often, it is said a picture is worth a thousand words, but 1MKM shows that words can often go much farther than any picture if they can effectively make tacit explicit.
- Dr. Yogesh Malhotra Ph.D, Founder,
I read the 1MKM and I like it a lot...In terms of the unified view of knowledge, we are in complete agreement.
- Dr. Debra Amidon, Ph.D, Author of The Ken Awakening
It is very well written, very readable, and is highly engaging.
- Dr. Reilly Atkinson Ph.D, Professor University of Phoenix, visiting Scholar @ Harvard Business School
You have superbly outlined the steps needed to implement the 1MKM process. I think many will find this book one they return to when introducing KM to others.
- Greg Cherry, Vice­ Principal
A great step towards making KM more accessible. It really reminded me of The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt.
- Joachim Stroh
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