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The Unified Theory of Knowledge
Critiqued by author Robert M. Pirsig prior to publication, The Unified Theory of Knowledge (2000) welds the many branches and facets of thought - from individual mind to universal phenomena - into a whole.
Further commentary on the subject of knowledge unification:
I have had the growing realization over the past few years that the problem of [humanity's] knowledge is not to demolish opposing views, but to include them in a larger theoretical structure.
- Ernest Becker
A unified system of knowledge is the surest means of identifying the still unexplored domains of reality. It provides a clear map of what is known, and it frames the most productive questions for future inquiry.
- Edward O Wilson
The spread, both in width and depth, of the many branches of knowledge during the last hundred years has confronted us with a dilemma. We feel we are only now beginning to acquire reliable material for welding together the sum total of all that is known into a whole.
- Erwin Schroedinger
What I’m trying to do here is put it all together.
- Robert M Pirsig, ZMM

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